The former church which belonged to the Convento do Carmo ("Carmo Convent") in Lisbon was once the main Gothic church in Lisbon, Portugal. The Carmo Convent was built in the year 1389 and underwent several architectural changes over the centuries.
But then came the year 1755 and, with it, the great earthquake that destroyed the city and the country. The Carmo Convent did not escape from the destruction. Its structures were severely damaged, but in the following year, reconstruction began in the neo-Gothic style, being definitively interrupted later in 1834.
Today, the ruins of the Carmo Convent are the most notable evidence of that earth tremor as the side walls and some arches that supported the roof remained intact. It is the most realistic and preserved landmark of the destructive potential of any earthquake.
The main body of the church and the choir, whose roof withstood the earthquake, were renovated and now house the Archaeological Museum.
In the summer, for a little over three months, projection shows take place right inside this monument, telling Portugal's history and taking advantage of such magnificent setting.