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Rua Augusta Arch




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Message from Lusideias

The Arco da Rua Augusta (Rua Augusta Arch of Triumph) is an icon of the rebirth of the city of Lisbon, after the 1755 earthquake. Few people know that it is possible to access the top of the monument, paying only 3€. From up there, one can have a brand new perspective over downtown Lisbon and its main points of interest: Praça do Comércio ("Commerce Square"), Cais das Colunas, Sé de Lisboa ("Lisbon Cathedral"), Castelo de São Jorge ("Saint George's Castle"), Rua Augusta ("Augusta Street"), etc.

In addition to visually marking the city with a whole new Enlightenment proposal for urban redesign, this monument also symbolically represents the strength, resilience and achievements of the Portuguese people.

Historically, this area was the center of Portugal's political power, especially since the transfer of the Royal Palace from Saint George's Castle closer to the Tagus River, in the early 16th century. Hence the old name of the square that lasts until today (it is the name of the subway station, for example): Terreiro do Paço (not Commerce Square). Commerce Square, by the way, is Europe's largest square, with 30,600 square meters.

Arco da Rua Augusta acts like a "bonus" viewpoint in the Lisbon area, on top of all the traditional ones we have listed in our guide.

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