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Adelaide River Cruises
Explore this croc infested river




Europäische Sommerzeit. Dauer


Nachricht von Cassadvantures

Crocodiles scare me more than anything else in the world, I swear I have nightmares about them monthly! But despite my fear, I can still appreciate how incredible it is to encounter these dinosaurs up close, from a safe distance, haha.

If you're exploring the Northern Territory, Adelaide River is, in my opinion, the best place to see these creatures in the wild. The NT hosts the world's largest population of saltwater crocodiles, with around 100,000 of these predators roaming freely, including approximately 1,600 in this river alone.

Interestingly, the river has reached its capacity for crocodile inhabitants. Saltwater crocs are territorial animals, and here they each stake out their own section of the river. If another Croc encroaches on their territory, clashes often happen, pretty wild, right?

To explore this river you need to do a tour. Multiple companies offer croc jumping tours along the Adelaide River, each providing a 1-hour experience that's essentially the same in terms of the tour duration and what you'll see. The main difference lies in the specific sections of the river they traverse. These tours cost $50.00 and run all year round.




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